Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm Stubborn...

I have been sick for about three months. I get better for a few days and then, BAM!, I'm sick again. I have put off going to the doctor thinking that I could self medicate. Well, yesterday, I had enough. I finally went to the doctor. He looked at me and said "How long have you been sick!?" That's never a good sign. Then he went on, "Your ears are unbelievably infected, your sinuses are completely clogged and infected, and your lungs are full of fluid!" Yep, the verdict: ear infection, sinus infection, and bronchitis. I'm off to bed for the next couple of days, with my antibiotic, nasal spray, and decongestant on my nightstand...praying I get better before this weekend (Brandon's sister and her family are coming to visit)!

Oh, and next time I am sick, tell me to get my rearend to the doctor!


Allison said...

Oh yuck, I hope you will feel better soon girl!!!

Jennifer said...

Um yeah, if we tell you to get your rear-end to the doctor, will you listen?!? I'm thinking no... :) Hope you get to get feeling better quickly - rest, rest, rest!!!

Sarah Andrews said...

At least you know now and are on the road to recovery! Feel better!